The pans you only need to buy once.

Unique engineering
It's fluted handle stops your hand from overheating. It's seamless iron design means you'll never contend with a wobbly handle. With natural non-stick there's no nasty teflon crumbling into your food. And at half the weight of traditional cast iron, cook comfortably for longer.

An ultimate culinary companion
When you cook on iron, the food you make tastes better. It might sound mad, but it's true. You'll impress your friends while using the same recipes and ingredients.

Designed to last for centuries
When you buy Solidteknics, you can tick frying pans off your shopping list forever. End repeated £30 purchases when you invest in an item that improves over time.

Choose value.
After a couple of rounds of at-home seasoning, these pans are ready to cook for life.
Opt-out of teflon cooking and start saving money over time.

Choose convenience.
These pans still benefit from a little extra seasoning, but are designed to take a little hassle out of your busy schedule.

The multi-century warranty.
Our catalogue is filled with lifetime warranties - but these pans outlast all else, with an endless multi-century warranty.
They are designed to be loved, used every day, and passed on to the next generation.
With their seamless iron design it's no wonder. These pans have no points of failure.
What is different about the Quenched Solidteknics pans?
It's all about the level of work that goes in before you can get cooking. Our original Satin pans come very lightly pre-seasoned, ready for you to build up a beautiful, natural non-stick surface yourself at home through oven seasoning.
With Quenched pans, the oven seasoning part is already done so you can get cooking straight away. You might want to give your Quenched pan a stove-top season before cooking for extra non-stick, but it’s totally fine to let it build up naturally over time as you cook!
A Quenched pan is basically sandblasted, heated to a precise temperature, and then quickly dropped in a chilled tank of rice bran oil to instantly create a strong seasoning foundation. It’s not coated with anything synthetic - just completely natural oil-based seasoning, sped up. As with any natural seasoning there can be colour variation, but your pan will darken and change colour over time anyway.
How do I season a Satin pan from scratch?
Seasoning a Satin pan involves first buffing a very thin layer of oil over the entire surface of the pan and baking it in your oven for 2-3 hours on maximum heat. Once out and fully cooled, you’ll need to do 2-3 rounds of stovetop seasoning, which means lightly buffing oil onto the cooking surface over a high heat, and then letting it cool.
There’s no magic number, but the more times you season the more non-stick your pan will be. Read through our easy Solidteknics care guide here and you can’t go far wrong, and this quick video guide is a helpful reference.
How are the Quenched pans pre-seasoned?
A Quenched pan is basically sandblasted, heated to a precise temperature, and then quickly dropped in a chilled tank of rice bran oil to instantly create a strong seasoning foundation. It’s not coated with anything synthetic - just completely natural oil-based seasoning, sped up. As with any natural seasoning there can be colour variation, but your pan will darken and change colour over time anyway.
What utensils can I use?
Unlike synthetically coated non-stick cookware, you can use any utensils you like with a Solidteknics pan including metal. The seasoning can sometimes be scratched, but will reseason naturally as you continue cooking with oil.
Will it fit in my oven?
The classic Solidteknics frying pans will fit snugly in most conventional ovens. It can be worth measuring if you're unsure, especially for the larger pans such as the 35cm All-In-One.
What’s the difference between wrought iron and cast iron pans?
Wrought iron is iron that has been heated and then worked into shape with tools, whereas cast iron is melted and poured into a mould. You can therefore achieve a much thinner design with wrought iron whilst retaining strength, which is how Solidteknics pans can be much lighter than traditional cast iron pans.
How do I stop an iron pan rusting?
Any iron pan can develop rust spots if left damp for an extended period of time. Your pan will never go rusty as long as it’s looked after properly, which means making sure it is fully dry before putting it away. Popping it back on the stove for 30 seconds after washing can help ensure there is no lingering dampness.