Reviews & Articles
Shedding light on the most durable (and shoddy) products. Read our independent reviews, advice on living a calmer, less wasteful life, plus the latest news about our mission to end throwaway culture.
Right to Repair: What’s happening in the EU?
Recently the European parliament announced plans to make the durability, sustainability, and reparability of products a bigger priority as part of the drive towards a more circular economy. Whilst the planned legislation seems to be taking longer than planned, its arrival would mean the biggest step yet towards tackling these issues and a huge win for the right to repair movement. But what will it look like in reality, and what are the issues at play?
7 long-lasting appliances you'll only need to buy once
Although finding buy-for-life appliances is a challenge these days, there are still companies out there making some exceptional stuff. We’ve put together a list of our favourite long-lasting appliances that we’re confident putting our name behind. With sturdy designs, repairable parts and long guarantees, these are appliances you’ll be able to trust for many years.
Care 101: Easy Tips For Keeping your Jewellery Heirloom
Time to Repair: How Patagonia is encouraging you to wear worn
Interview: The True Story of France's Fight against Planned Obsolescence
Your phone is going to die. Is there another way?
Blogger Spotlight: What Katie Sews
The Right To Repair Movement: What It Is And How To Help
Fair Repair bills, legislation that champions a citizen’s right to repair their own gadgetry, have recently stalled in several states in the USA. This is not good news. Encouragingly, the fight against planned obsolescence continues through the noble work of the right to repair movement who believe that real, positive change in the electronics industry is necessary.